Friday 4 October 2019


   As regular viewers of this blog will no doubt know, I'm a bit of a fan of Halloween. Especially when it comes to getting into some kind of costume at work. You will also know I usually have the plans set as early as November 1st, giving me a good, solid 12 months to get things together.
   Case in point was 2014, when I came as an Australian for the first time. I even learned, albeit somewhat limited, how to get the correct sounds from a didgeridoo. But this year was a challenge trying to come up with something. It wasn't until this past weekend when we went to Regina, and checked a couple of Halloween specialty stores it finally clicked.
   All I'm going to give away right now is there will be a whip involved
   No, there won't be anything 'kinky'. And no, I'm not going to go as part of the '70's band Devo

   To "whip it". As always, all will be revealed Halloween Day.


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