Friday 13 September 2019

(Another) Garlic Update

   My 2nd attempt at pickled garlic has, so far, turned out not too bad. I cracked open a jar last night, and had a taste. It needs more time. The garlic was still very pungent, and had not taken on much of the spice or brine flavouing. So, I'm going to leave it in the fridge for another week before trying again.
   But I also noticed this:
   A blue discolouration on some of the cloves. Apparently, it's not unusual to see. From what I read last night, it's due to an enzyme in the garlic reaction to the acid in the vinegar. It's perfectly safe to eat, and the flavour hasn't changed. It just turned blue. There are a few things I could've done to prevent it (had I known about them at the time), but I'm not worried about it.
   I'm hoping now the flavours will meld a bit better.


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