Friday 23 August 2019

Last Week Of Vacation

   I will be taking my final week of vacation for 2019 next week, meaning, naturally, I won't be posting anything for the rest of this month.
   We don't have much planned. A trip to Regina is in the works this weekend, along with a short jaunt up the highway from Regina to Lumsden.There's a garden centre my wife likes, and she's looking for Mexican themed tiles to become part of an eventual backsplash as decorative work.
   We're also hoping to complete a long-delayed project of re-staining our porch. It needs to be done, but (no surprise here) I've been lazy. I'll potter around the kitchen, and am going to try my hand a pickling garlic. And maybe do some bread baking as well.
   You know, looking back at this post, I may have been wrong when I said we didn't have much planned. In fact, we may just run out of week before we run out of projects.
   I'll be back after Labour Day.


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