Thursday 1 March 2018

March Arrives

   And it looks like it'll come in like a lion. The next 2 days won't be bad at all, sun turning to cloud with temperatures near zero. But the weekend, that lion starts to roar. Depending on which weather service you look at, we could see just a 60% chance of snow Saturday into Monday, to up to 30 cm (about a foot).
   Granted, it's only Thursday, and a lot can and will change between now and the weekend. But given the fact that a major part of Alberta is already under snow or winter storm warnings, I think we likely will get hammered. Worst case scenario: A full blown spring Prairie blizzard. Best case scenario: Just the 60% chance of snow some weather offices are calling for.
   My guess? Personally, I think we could well be in for the first blizzard of winter 2017-18. And, actually, we could use some snow. It's been dry this winter, following a dry year last year, so the moisture is needed. Maybe not all at once, and not quite the amount they're calling for, but some. If we do get clobbered, I hope at least it'll be a slow melt.
   We'll see.


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