Tuesday 20 March 2018

Spring My Aunt Fanny!

   Spring officially arrived in Saskatchewan at 10:15 this morning, but you'd be hard-pressed to see any sign of it today. This was the view from one of our windows this morning
   It's been snowing since yesterday, and we've had about 2 to 3 cm. Not much, when you consider the storm we had a couple of weeks ago that dumped 40 cm on the area, but still more than enough for me.
   Ironically enough, it was a year ago today, the first day of spring 2017, we had a "mini-blizzard":
   The arrival of the new season (such as it is right now), had GX94 Morning man Danny Ismond asking listeners "Fill in the blank: Spring is here when I see ___________." Quite a few people say their first sign is seeing robins, others gophers. I one this morning, as a hare was hopping through the lumber yard behind our building. He had a noticeable brown patch in the fur on his back.
   But I also told Danny the surest sign of spring for me is when people take their snowmobile out of the back of their pickup, and put an AVT in instead.
   Happy Spring!

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