Thursday 15 February 2018

It's Working Again!

   Since the start of this week, I've been unable to access this blog. We had a system upgrade or something, which put everything out of whack, and when I tried to log on, I couldn't. Compounding the problem is the fact I am a total numpkin when it comes to most everything viral. After spending days trying to recover things (and seeing a new log-on, which I made a boo-boo with), I finally did the thing most reasonably technically adept people would do in the first place: I checked the "help" platform.
   Needless to say, a click here, re-entering the information needed there, and Presto! I'm back in business.
   They say you're never too old to learn, and I guess that's true. I managed to sort things out without a panic trip down the hall to get help from our technical guru.


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