Friday 2 March 2018

At Least It's Friday

   And what a Friday it's been! Got in at my usual time, and fired up my computer. Or at least tried to. "Black Screen Of Death." Powered off and back up. Logged on, but everything was slow. Tried the one in the booth. Also slow. Logged out of both, couldn't log in.
   I ended up doing the thing I do not like to do. I called our tech guru Kyle at 04:45. He walked me through a re-boot, but still had problems logging on to our newsroom, email and 'net. He walked me through those to the point I could operate normally (at 05:35). Played "catch-up" the rest of the morning. He also says there was a problem with one of our main servers behind it
   Finally, the systems came back up normally a little after 10:00. With a few tweaks, that is. I'm just happy it wasn't Monday!


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