Monday 12 March 2018

Spring Ahead

   This past weekend saw the (to me) semi-annual idiocy of adjusting clocks ahead an hour in most of North America. Saskatchewan and Arizona are the most notable hold-outs, and I'm lucky to be in Saskatchewan.
   The ides behind DST was to save energy. But studies have shown it actually doesn't. When I lived in Alberta (where it was brought in in 1971), B.C and Ontario, I loathed the change. It played havoc with my internal clock, and took literally weeks fir me to adjust.
   So, in Saskatchewan we don't adjust our clocks. At least not deliberately. The bedside clock I have has settings for different time-zones, and has an over-ride to cancel the switch to daylight saving time. Or so I thought.
   I needed a bathroom break early Sunday morning (01:59 to be exact), and when I got back to bed, my clock registered 03:02. Despite my setting it on non-DST. No, it wasn't an extra long break, and I didn't "fall asleep in the drivers seat" so to speak.
   I did change it back to "normal" time when I got up.


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