Tuesday 6 March 2018

A Nasty Storm

   You can't see it all that well, but that's about half the snow we've had since Sunday. In all, 40 cm (about 16 inches) in the space of 2 days. Which has left streets impassable, and my car still parked at our house. I thought about trying to drive in Monday morning, but thought better of it, and took a taxi. A look out the window this morning showed things were even worse, so I cabbed it in again today. Fortunately, our property manage says our parking area will be cleared today, so I should have "wheels" again tomorrow.
   It was a Colorado Low that walloped the region, making highways a mess. So much so that several members of our staff who live out of town couldn't get in. Luckily, they can broadcast from their homes, but need someone to play audio clips for them.
   And now, the clean-up. I shovelled our sidewalk twice yesterday, and will need to do it again today. And while city crews are doing their best to get streets open to some degree, it's going to be days at best before we return to some form or normalcy.
   There is a silver lining, if you will. All the snow will help replenish much needed moisture ahead of spring seeding, although rain will be needed during the growing season.
   March came in like a Lion, and ironically, it was just a year ago we were being hit by a good old fashioned prairie blizzard.
   But on the plus side, we haven't seen a mosquito in months!


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