Monday 26 March 2018

The Results Are In

   And this year, GX94 came in 3rd in the annual Ducks Unlimited Bar-Be-Cue sauce competition. Our sister FM station placed 2nd.
   As always, the meal was great
   Ribs, chicken and all the trimmings. I have no idea how much was actually raised for D.U, but I'm sure they brought in quite a bit from the meal and auctions they run during the evening.
   I'm not usually one to gripe about anything, and honestly, the best sauce did win the competition, but when I tried mine, the flavour was not the same as my home-cooked one. I don't know if they somehow misread or changed the recipe, or if it simply was down to the large volume of sauce needed for the competition, but it had changed drastically.
   Again, no sour grapes, my entry didn't win fair and square. But even trying the entry from our sister FM station, I noticed theirs had changed too. Maybe I'm just reading too much into it.
   And, there's always next year!


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