Wednesday 5 October 2016

Oh, Great

   Should this be happening in a 3 year old house? That's what greeted me when I got home yesterday afternoon. That's along one of the joists of the ceiling in our living room. In our 2 story house. That's not beneath a bathroom, either, but our master bedroom. Which was bone dry.
   So, what happened? To the best of our knowledge, wind blown rain. We had one hell of a storm Monday night, with heavy rain and a very strong, gusty wind. That's not to say we haven't had lots of storms with heavy rain and strong, gusty winds. It's just this one happened to be blowing from just the right direction. And we think the water got in here:
   The overhang on our porch. You can't see in this picture (at least not well), but the 'corrugations' on the bottom where it joins the house is where we think the leak is. Meaning the builders likely didn't do a good enough job sealing it off.
   As mentioned, the place is 3 years old, so I'm hoping the new home warranty will cover this. If I could find it. That's problem #2. We were not handed our copy of the warranty when we took possession. I've called the project developer. He said try the real estate agent. I did try them a while back, and, if memory serves, THEY told me to call the selling agency. And 'round and 'round we go.
   I also called the builder, but never heard back from them yesterday.
   So, I've got a lot of calls to make and places to visit today, trying to get this mess taken care of. And I also happened to notice while heading out the door for work this morning that there was a shadow along the other joist, meaning we've likely got water there, too. But at least those areas haven't spread, and there's no mould yet. Hopefully it won't take too long to get fixed. Or cost us too much. But that's what homeowners insurance is for.


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