Friday 30 September 2016

Goodbye September

   It's a little hard to believe the month is over, but it is. And what a month it's been! GX94's "Supper In The Field" really got rolling after starting the fall edition August 31st (August now seems such a long time ago), although I have yet to get "Craig in a Combine" this year. There's still one more fall supper to go, so I'm still holding out hope.
   We also made our annual trek to Saskatoon for the Exhibition and Comic Con. Not a huge success, given we usually manage to get our Christmas shopping started. But it was a chance to get away for a weekend, which was nice.
   Not as nice though, was the weather. We had some pretty heavy rain this month, which delayed harvest operations, along with some of the much needed roadwork projects going on in the city.
   Speaking of the weather, September (at least here) is "going out like a lamb", with near summer like conditions into tomorrow. Once we get into October, we really start to see a cool-down, with the mercury falling from 23 C tomorrow down to 7 Monday.
   On the up-side, October does bring with it Halloween. And, yes, I've been thinking and preparing for what I'm doing since about November 1st last year. What (or who) I'm going to be is, of course, a secret which will not be revealed until the 31st, which happens to be a Monday this year.
   Anyway, so-long September, and hello October!


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