Monday 31 October 2016

It's Halloween!

   And I can finally take the wraps off my get-up for this year. Last week I blogged about having a lumberjack shirt and some kind of axe as part of my gear. Which is true! I do have a lumberjack shirt on, and I am carrying an axe of some kind:
   I decided to come as Slash's long lost relative who hasn't been lost long enough. And since the G&R and Velvet Revolver guitarist is a really good player (I think of his fingers slashing across the fretboard) and since I'm not, I decided to call myself "Scrape", the rocker who needs a walker.
   I also alluded to the possibility there may be singing this year. And, yes, despite the lack of talent when it comes to vocals, I did in fact "bust out a tune". I will say I'm an even worse singer than I am a guitarist. If that's even possible. I wasn't going to sing, but GX94 Morning man Danny Ismond "put the screws" to me, and I gave my rendition (live on the air) of the "Umm Game Song", the details of which I will not bore you with. There's an "in-house" competition for best costume again this year, but judging from what I've seen early this morning, I don't stand a chance.
   And, yes, I've already started thinking about next year. My wife (who dressed up as Miss Haversham from the Dickens novel "Great Expectations"):
   Suggested we do something as a pair. I thought we should go as a piece of bread, split in half. My side would be plain, hers covered in a churned dairy product. She could be my "butter half". Cue the agonized groans.
   Looking at my picture, something occurs to me. I think I look more like Ozzy Osbourne that Slash.
   Happy Halloween!


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