Monday 24 October 2016

When In The Netherlands

   Have nachos. Our youngest is in the Netherlands for a heavy metal event in Rotterdam later this week. He landed in Amsterdam, and, rather than having a traditional Dutch meal like Hollandse Nieuwe Haring (raw herring), or Stroopwafels, a syrupy waffle. Instead, he opted for nachos.
   That's like going to Italy and not having pasta, or Germany and not having Bratwurst. Don't get me wrong, I'm not castigating our 2nd born. Far from it! It's just that he loves Mexican food, especially tacos and nachos. At least he's drinking a Dutch beer, so all is not lost.
   From Rotterdam, he's going to Belgium for a few days before flying back to Canada via Frankfurt.
   Am I a little jealous? Hell yes I am! We'd love to see both those countries, and are currently trying to scrape together the needed pennies (several million of them) to head off again. And yes, the Netherlands and Belgium are both on our radar screens. As is Iceland and other Nordic countries (perhaps even a return to Norway).
   At any rate, I hope he has a great trip. He deserves it.


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