Friday 14 October 2016

A Few Thoughts About The U.S Election

   I'm lucky. I don't live in the States, so I don't have to make a choice between Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. However, I, and pretty much everyone else, will be impacted by whoever wins the election next month.
   I'm not enough of a political analyst to wade in with any pithy thoughts about the 2 contenders, and I'm certainly not about to say which one I endorse, even though it wouldn't matter since I live in Canada. I'm also not about to comment about the foibles and follies of the Republican or Democratic nominee. But I am going to chime in on the nastiness of this campaign, even if I forgo the details.
   Politics by it's very nature is (it seems) destined to troll up skeletons in closets, and bring mud-slinging to an almost Olympic sport level. The current U.S election campaign, and even last years Canadian one for that matter, have shown at times just how low people can go in attempts to tear down their opponent. I know, it's all part of the "game", but there are times I wonder "why".
   The constant sniping between candidates, the constant dredging up of incidents, sometimes 30 years in the past, the campaign staff trying as hard as they can to uncover that piece of information to damage the "other guy" have become too much a part of electioneering on both sides of the border, and I for just one of many are heartily sick and tired of it..
   So here's a radical thought. Rather that engaging in a prolonged mud-slinging and slagging match, why not focus not on your opponent and how bad that person will be if elected, but what you are going to do for your constituents if you are? Tell me why, and exactly how, a vote for you would benefit my constituency, province or state, and the nation, rather than the constant character attacks that now seem to dominate all but civic politics.
   It might be a way to engage voters, rather than turn them off. IMHO at any rate.


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