Thursday 27 October 2016

I Know We Need Lights, But Really???

   We need lights to be safe. I understand that, and accept it. The pictures below were not taken in a commercial or industrial area, or in a prison yard. They were taken in the common parking area where we own our home, and were installed at the behest of our developer (I at least assume).
   To say they're bright is an understatement. I did not enhance or photoshop these, and they were taken on the crappy camera on my cell phone.
   You know they're bright when they start casting shadows from vehicles parked down the street. I noticed this a couple of mornings ago when I got up for work and looked out our bedroom window. I first thought it was a full moon reflecting on the paving. I was wrong.
   Again, I understand the need to have lights in common areas, but was it really necessary to install 23 gazillion candle-power spotlights? And whats next? Guard towers? Coils of electrified razor wire? Machine gun emplacements? It's almost like living next to the DMZ in Korea. Or along the Berlin Wall back in the '60's. Even my blackout drapes in our bedroom filter, not block, the light entirely.
   I guess we're lucky, though. All the master bedrooms in the development face the street, and we don't have one of these monstrosities beaming into ours.


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