Monday 16 November 2015

Some Thoughts About Paris

   As the world knows, attackers claiming to be with the Islamic State group hit several locations in Paris on Friday, leaving 129 people dead, and scores injured. The attackers struck a concert venue, where most of the carnage took place, along with several other sites, including a soccer stadium. French authorities are warning of the potential for more such attacks.
   The City of Light has been darkened. At least for now.
   France has retaliated by hitting with "massive airstrikes" ISIL's de-facto capital in Syria. French police have also cracked down, raiding 150 locations in the country. Belgian police made half a dozen arrests in the wake of the Paris attack, and it's said Turkish authorities managed to stop a Paris style attack in Istanbul.
   Needless to say the reaction to these events by the majority of world leaders has been condemnation.
   And there's already been an apparent backlash attack here in Canada. In Ontario, police say a mosque was deliberately torched, but they also say there's nothing to link it to the Paris attacks. Sadly, I have a sinking feeling that we may just be seeing the tip of the iceberg. Already, the internet's buzzing with negative comments about Syrian refugees being allowed to resettle in other countries, including Canada.
   True, one of the Paris attackers did have a Syrian passport on him. But it could have been a forgery. It could also have been the real deal. But now, all potential refugees are being treated with suspicion. And although there may be a few malcontents, let's remember the reason they've become refugees. It's due to ISIL.
   Even Pope Francis has spoken out about the attack in a call to a Catholic radio station in Rome. He said basically that the attacks in Paris, and the air strikes against ISIL targets in Syria and Iraq show that this is how World War 3 will be fought. Sadly, I think he may be right.


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