Wednesday 4 November 2015


   I'll admit it. I'm old fashioned. I like the natural flow of things, one into the other. The natural flow. That's why I, and a lot of people, are somewhat discouraged by an early start to Christmas displays.
   I took this in a big box retailer the last time I was in Regina
   That was the middle of October, and yes, it's the store's tree display. I worked in retail many, many years ago, and I know about seasonal change and the need to push stock. But do we really need to have Christmas displays set up before Halloween?
   I've got nothing against Christmas, but it seems stores are starting to set things up earlier and earlier. The main thing I and a lot of my contemporaries are having trouble with is the fact all this started well ahead of Remembrance Day
   November 11th to be exact. One week from today. Again, I know the retail cycle. I know the upcoming season is the biggest one on the calendar for stores. But I also feel that we need to honour those service people who fell defending us so we can celebrate the Christmas season. Especially since we're in the midst of the 100th anniversary of World War I, and the 97th anniversary of the end of the "War To End All Wars".
   So, to me it seems like our priorities are being a little misplaced. Celebrate Christmas, by all means. I plan on shopping in my local stores. But can we not wait until November 12th or the "big push"?
   Sorry if this turned into a rant.

TTFN..And if you live in Canada, wear a poppy.

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