Wednesday 25 November 2015

Holiday Shopping Season Starts

   Tomorrow, Thursday Nov 26, is Thanksgiving Day in the U.S. The 27th is Black Friday, the semi-official start to the holiday shopping season. It's the day where massive deals on just about anything are available at stores across our Southern neighbor.
   And that means crowds of people will be camping out, hoping to be the first in line for the deals. Unfortunately, it also means there will no doubt be problems in some stores. In years past, we've heard of people being crushed against the doors as they want to be first off the mark. There have been assaults. There have been instances where people have literally ripped an item from someone's hand in the feeding frenzy that is Black Friday. There have also been instances where people have been shot. And instances where they have been killed.
   We in Canada are not immune to Black Friday. In fact stores here have been stocking up ahead of the event. But it didn't use to be. Canada eschewed B.F in the past. We used to save our shopping frenzy for the day after Christmas, called "Boxing Day". People still do up here, although I can think of better things to do with my time than camping out when it's -37C without the windchill hoping to grab one of a limited number of whatever is available.
   But, in the States, it's an annual tradition, and, as mentioned, kicks off the holiday spending spree. We've managed to get all our Christmas shopping done and paid for already. With one or 2 items still on the check list.
   And since tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day in the U.S, I'd like to wish my American viewers a happy one, filled with turkey and all the trimmings. And a reminder, this is how I believe pumpkin pie is made:


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