Tuesday 10 November 2015

Pause And Remember

   Tomorrow is November 11th, Remembrance Day in Canada, the U.K and many other Commonwealth countries. It's also Veterans Day in the United States. In Canada at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month we should all pause for at least 1 minute to pay silent tribute to all those who gave the supreme sacrifice in all wars by laying down their lives for our freedom.
   And it doesn't mean just World War I and World War II either. We should be paying tribute and respect to all fallen members of all branches of the Canadian Forces killed in combat, or who died from wounds they suffered.
   I'm a child of a World War II veteran. Dad went in to France 6 weeks after D-Day in 1944. He was 19 at the time. He was also wounded, and was left temporarily blinded for 6 weeks. He also had 9 surgeries in the months and years after the war. So it's no wonder I pay close attention to Remembrance Day, and observe 2 minutes of silence.
   I'm also proud to say my sons also mark the occasion, as do my niece and nephew. It's a tradition I plan on continuing for many more years to come, especially since the Greatest Generation are now succumbing to old age, and are passing away.
   But we should also not forget those killed in Korea, Afghanistan and other conflicts either. Their sacrifice is just as great.


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