Monday 30 November 2015

Eskies Win!

   For the 14th time in franchise history, the Edmonton Eskimo's ARE the Grey Cup Champions. They beat the Ottawa Redblacks 26-20 in the 103rd edition of the CFL Championship. It's their first cup since 2005.
   As mentioned in the post below, I'm not a huge fan of the Eskies, and was rather hoping to see Ottawa complete their Cinderella season by hoisting the Cup. The Redblacks would have gone from worst in the league last year, to first. But it wasn't to be
   So, congratulations Edmonton! Grey Cup Champions for 2015.


Friday 27 November 2015

It's Grey Cup Weekend!

   For Canadian football fans, Sunday is it. It's the CFL's Superbowl for the league championship, and will be played in Winnipeg. It's also the 103rd Grey Cup, and features 2 teams that last met for the title in 1981.
   The Edmonton Eskimo's
   And Ottawa Redblacks

   The last time they met, Ottawa was known as the Rough Riders. The franchise folded, was brought back as the Ottawa Renegades, folded yet again and finally came back as the Redblacks. In that game, the Eskimo's prevailed, 26-23. The team has won 13 CFL championships, and 5 in a row from 1978-82.
   I'm from the west. I was born and raised in Alberta, and have spent 20 of my almost 35 years in broadcasting in Saskatchewan (which might explain why I'm a Roughriders fan), and normally, I would root for the western rep in the "big game".
   But not this year. This year I'm pulling for Ottawa. Why? Why "turn my back" on the region? Ottawa had the worst record in the CFL last season, but vaulted to the top of the eastern conference this year. I'd like to see them cap it off with this:

(Taken 4 years ago when I was in Regina)
   But whoever wins, I hope it's a good game. At least it won't be bitterly cold.


Thursday 26 November 2015

Happy Thanksgiving

   To my American viewers, Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you have a wonderful day, and a very enjoyable meal.


Wednesday 25 November 2015

Holiday Shopping Season Starts

   Tomorrow, Thursday Nov 26, is Thanksgiving Day in the U.S. The 27th is Black Friday, the semi-official start to the holiday shopping season. It's the day where massive deals on just about anything are available at stores across our Southern neighbor.
   And that means crowds of people will be camping out, hoping to be the first in line for the deals. Unfortunately, it also means there will no doubt be problems in some stores. In years past, we've heard of people being crushed against the doors as they want to be first off the mark. There have been assaults. There have been instances where people have literally ripped an item from someone's hand in the feeding frenzy that is Black Friday. There have also been instances where people have been shot. And instances where they have been killed.
   We in Canada are not immune to Black Friday. In fact stores here have been stocking up ahead of the event. But it didn't use to be. Canada eschewed B.F in the past. We used to save our shopping frenzy for the day after Christmas, called "Boxing Day". People still do up here, although I can think of better things to do with my time than camping out when it's -37C without the windchill hoping to grab one of a limited number of whatever is available.
   But, in the States, it's an annual tradition, and, as mentioned, kicks off the holiday spending spree. We've managed to get all our Christmas shopping done and paid for already. With one or 2 items still on the check list.
   And since tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day in the U.S, I'd like to wish my American viewers a happy one, filled with turkey and all the trimmings. And a reminder, this is how I believe pumpkin pie is made:


Friday 20 November 2015

I Must Be In The Minority

   The hype and hoopla has started over the next instalment of the Star Wars saga, which will hit the big screens later this year. And at the risk of being castigated and drawing irate fire over this, I will admit I am not a fan. Which puts me in the minority.
   It's true that when the very first of the original Star Wars trilogy came out, I went to see it in the theatre. When the 2nd movie came out, I again went to see it, but walked out about half-way through because I found it boring. The 3rd and all subsequent parts of the trilogy I never bothered to see, nor will I.
   Why? I guess I just found the movies a little over-done. More like a 1950's Western set in outer space. And then, there's the "realism" factor. It wasn't the space machines they were piloting I found hard to believe. And the "Death Star" was (and I'll be honest here) quite something. But it was the explosions, engine noise etc which you can't hear in space, along with a big part of the plot, that drove me out. I get the fact that space battles without explosions might be seen as boring by the vast majority of movie-goers. But not me. I guess I was "spoiled" by another classic sci-fi movie: 2001 A Space Odyssey, where there was no sound in the space shots. Which actually heightened some of the drama of that movie.
   But, again, I'm in the minority. The latest Star Wars flick will, no doubt, be a huge box-office blockbuster, and merchandise will fly off the shelves. It's started to already. And I'm sure lots and lots of fans will be standing in queues for the midnight premier of the film as well.
   I will say one thing about the producers of the movie, and give them a huge "thumbs up". They held a special screening of the movie for a fan with terminal cancer. That man died just days afterwards. That shows an awful lot of class in my books.
   If you are a fan, I hope this movie not only lives up to, but surpasses your expectations. But I just can't be bothered.


Monday 16 November 2015

Some Thoughts About Paris

   As the world knows, attackers claiming to be with the Islamic State group hit several locations in Paris on Friday, leaving 129 people dead, and scores injured. The attackers struck a concert venue, where most of the carnage took place, along with several other sites, including a soccer stadium. French authorities are warning of the potential for more such attacks.
   The City of Light has been darkened. At least for now.
   France has retaliated by hitting with "massive airstrikes" ISIL's de-facto capital in Syria. French police have also cracked down, raiding 150 locations in the country. Belgian police made half a dozen arrests in the wake of the Paris attack, and it's said Turkish authorities managed to stop a Paris style attack in Istanbul.
   Needless to say the reaction to these events by the majority of world leaders has been condemnation.
   And there's already been an apparent backlash attack here in Canada. In Ontario, police say a mosque was deliberately torched, but they also say there's nothing to link it to the Paris attacks. Sadly, I have a sinking feeling that we may just be seeing the tip of the iceberg. Already, the internet's buzzing with negative comments about Syrian refugees being allowed to resettle in other countries, including Canada.
   True, one of the Paris attackers did have a Syrian passport on him. But it could have been a forgery. It could also have been the real deal. But now, all potential refugees are being treated with suspicion. And although there may be a few malcontents, let's remember the reason they've become refugees. It's due to ISIL.
   Even Pope Francis has spoken out about the attack in a call to a Catholic radio station in Rome. He said basically that the attacks in Paris, and the air strikes against ISIL targets in Syria and Iraq show that this is how World War 3 will be fought. Sadly, I think he may be right.


Tuesday 10 November 2015

Pause And Remember

   Tomorrow is November 11th, Remembrance Day in Canada, the U.K and many other Commonwealth countries. It's also Veterans Day in the United States. In Canada at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month we should all pause for at least 1 minute to pay silent tribute to all those who gave the supreme sacrifice in all wars by laying down their lives for our freedom.
   And it doesn't mean just World War I and World War II either. We should be paying tribute and respect to all fallen members of all branches of the Canadian Forces killed in combat, or who died from wounds they suffered.
   I'm a child of a World War II veteran. Dad went in to France 6 weeks after D-Day in 1944. He was 19 at the time. He was also wounded, and was left temporarily blinded for 6 weeks. He also had 9 surgeries in the months and years after the war. So it's no wonder I pay close attention to Remembrance Day, and observe 2 minutes of silence.
   I'm also proud to say my sons also mark the occasion, as do my niece and nephew. It's a tradition I plan on continuing for many more years to come, especially since the Greatest Generation are now succumbing to old age, and are passing away.
   But we should also not forget those killed in Korea, Afghanistan and other conflicts either. Their sacrifice is just as great.


Monday 9 November 2015

I've Been Honoured Again

   Twice, in fact. Every year, GX94's Tonya Cherry puts together a cookbook made up of local people's recipes. Proceeds from the sale of the books goes to charities in the town they're sold in. Last year, I had a recipe for what was one of my favourite cocktails (a Manhattan) included.
   This year, I feel fortunate to have 2 included. One is for my chicken or turkey a-la king, which is a great way to recycle those leftovers.
   The second was for a family favourite, Cajun hamburgers which, as the name suggests, means hamburgers seasoned with Cajun spices, onion, celery and green peppers.
   I wish I'd know the cookbooks were available to staff today, I'd gladly put the 8 dollar cost down for a copy. But, I've got until 2:00 tomorrow to do it. And I'll probably be first in line when the office opens at 8:00 to secure mine.


Wednesday 4 November 2015


   I'll admit it. I'm old fashioned. I like the natural flow of things, one into the other. The natural flow. That's why I, and a lot of people, are somewhat discouraged by an early start to Christmas displays.
   I took this in a big box retailer the last time I was in Regina
   That was the middle of October, and yes, it's the store's tree display. I worked in retail many, many years ago, and I know about seasonal change and the need to push stock. But do we really need to have Christmas displays set up before Halloween?
   I've got nothing against Christmas, but it seems stores are starting to set things up earlier and earlier. The main thing I and a lot of my contemporaries are having trouble with is the fact all this started well ahead of Remembrance Day
   November 11th to be exact. One week from today. Again, I know the retail cycle. I know the upcoming season is the biggest one on the calendar for stores. But I also feel that we need to honour those service people who fell defending us so we can celebrate the Christmas season. Especially since we're in the midst of the 100th anniversary of World War I, and the 97th anniversary of the end of the "War To End All Wars".
   So, to me it seems like our priorities are being a little misplaced. Celebrate Christmas, by all means. I plan on shopping in my local stores. But can we not wait until November 12th or the "big push"?
   Sorry if this turned into a rant.

TTFN..And if you live in Canada, wear a poppy.

Monday 2 November 2015

Here It Comes

   Yep! The old snow shovel. And that means just one thing, doesn't it? We're in for snow. In fact, the forecast calls for between 5 and 10 c.m (2-4 inches) tomorrow into Wednesday as a Colorado Low slams through the region.
   And this time, it might just be my fault. You see, I had the winter tires put on my car this past weekend. It's a good thing I did it when I did. The shop I use to change my tires over (and store them until the next change of seasons) was booking into the middle of this month, as everyone else also gears up for winter.
  If there is a bright side, and I'm desperately looking for one, it's the fact that I only have about 10 feet of sidewalk to clear. Our place in Regina had a 100 foot long driveway, which, along with other sidewalks, usually took me 45 minutes or more to clear. And that's using a snowblower.
   So, much as I don't like winter, I'm ready for it. Here's hoping the forecast of milder weather comes true!