Tuesday 1 September 2015


   Normally, I don't venture into the world of sports on this platform. I'm not knowledgeable enough to converse well on the subject, and usually leave such things to sports guru's like our own Benny Walchuk. Today, as a fan, I'm making an exception.
   Last night, the Canadian Football League's Saskatchewan Roughriders fired both head coach Corey Chamblin and general manager Brendan Taman after the team has gone winless through 9 games so far this season. I'm not sticking up for either by saying this, but a lot of the reason the team has gone oh-for is down to injury. Both first line quarterbacks were sidelined early in the season, and the team was left with a lot of rookies trying to pick up the slack. I'm not offering up excuses, but simply stating facts.
   Still, the buck must stop somewhere, and in this case it was the doors of Taman and Chamblin. It must be remembered, however, that both men were with the team when they won their 4th Grey Cup championship in 2013, and on home-field to boot.
   The past is just that. The past. To say the team has struggled this year is an understatement. To say both the players and fans are frustrated with the winless season is an understatement. To say both are looking for wins in the last half of the season is, again, an understatement.
   I guess I'm a glass-half-full sort of person when it comes to the Riders. There's still half the season left, and if they win everything from this week on, they'll at least be at 9 and 9 and .500 on the season. And might still have a shot at the playoffs. Is that likely? Realistically, no. Will they go winless for the season? No. The annual Labour Day Classic is this Sunday when the Riders host Winnipeg. It'd be a great time to start a win streak.


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