Monday 28 September 2015

Out Of This World

   It literally is. Scientists say they've found very good (if not conclusive) evidence that liquid water still flows on Mars. They'd known for a long time there was water ice at the poles, but they now say they've got evidence that, at least in the "summer months" on the Red Planet, there is salt water flowing down certain slopes.
   For science and planetary buffs, this is huge. It means Mars could have, and maybe still does, harbour life of some kind, even microscopic. It's also going to rev up interest in a manned mission. Why is important? Water is the key to life as we know it. Without water, no life (as we know it), even on the cellular or microscopic level.
   I'm still waiting for someone to give definitive proof Marvin the Martian exists and is till looking for his Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator.

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