Friday 4 September 2015

Happy Labour Day

   It is the Labour Day long weekend. It's also the day set aside to celebrate the achievements of workers, and the fight for an 8 hour workday.
   It's a happy-sad weekend. Happy, because it's a long weekend, and sad because it's the last "warm weather" long weekend until Victoria Day next year. And, as if we needed it, it's a reminder (along with cooling temperatures and shorter days) that winter is coming.
   An awful lot of people will be heading into the great outdoors one last extended weekend, grabbing the last rays of summer sunshine. If you're lucky enough to get any. The forecast for Yorkton is calling for cloud, possible showers and cooler temperatures. Not that it matters to me. I won't be heading anywhere this weekend for a couple of reasons. One: There's enough idiots on the road on long weekends, so I'm keeping one off the road. And Two: Ironically enough, my wife has to work Labour Day Monday.
   If you get the weekend off, I hope it's a good one for you!

TTFN (at least until Tuesday)

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