Friday 25 September 2015

Patiently Waiting

   That's been the view from any of the windows in our newsroom for the past 3 weeks. No one broke in, and no one jumped out. Which is a good thing, since we're on the top floor of our building. We share space with several provincial departments, including the courthouse, and a decision was made to have all the windows replaced. Ours just happen to be among the last.
   As a time-saving measure, the contractors decided to remove the old glass and do whatever they had to do to the frames to get them ready for the new windows. And that's apparently where the problem cropped up.
   Anyone who's had a home renovation project done knows there are snafu's and delays getting material in a timely manner. The same thing has happened here. Something went wrong somewhere down the line, pushing back what was supposed to have been a 2 week project into 3. So far.
   And not only has it meant a simple lack of being able to look out the window. There have been quite a few times, when the wind is from the right direction, you can actually hear it howling through the plywood. There were a couple of days that if you closed your eyes you'd almost think you were in a blizzard.
   Then, there's the cooler air. We're out of summer now, and the colder air does find it's way into the office. It hasn't been so cold we need to put on a jacket, but that's just a matter of time. Other adverse weather has not yet posed a problem. Rain has not made it into the building. But it was damp enough this morning for you to actually smell the wood.
   Hopefully the new windows will arrive next week, and the crew can get them installed. I'd hate to have to wait until the first snowfall before it gets done.
   It should be noted as well that I am not complaining. The newsroom we had in Regina was smack-dab in the middle of the building, and we had NO windows at all.


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