Friday 18 September 2015

The Federal Election Campaign Just Got Interesting

   A guy in Ontario has come up with the cereal boxes above, poking fun at the 3 main party leaders vying for our votes on October 19th, and they'll be available for purchase on line Monday. Unfortunately, there was no link or web address included in the story I saw. Or how many will be available.
   Jamie Christian came up with the idea, and used his own savings to have them made up. The question begging to be asked is: Why? Why spend your hard-earned cash on what will be a novelty? His answer is simple: To bring some fun to the campaign.
   There's one big problem, though. None of the boxes will actually have any cereal in them. Christian says something will be "stuffed" in them, but not exactly what.
   Given the creativity (and publicity) behind the Mulcair's Lucky Charms, Harper Squares and Trudeau O's boxes, it's something even a jaded old political watcher like myself would buy. I just hope he's got a good run, because I think demand will be heavy for these.


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