Thursday 10 September 2015

A Historic Reign

   It was Wednesday, September 9th 2015 Queen Elizabeth II became the longest reigning monarch in British history. at 63 years 7 months, she surpassed her great-grandmother Victoria to reach the milestone. She's over 89 now, and ascended to the throne when she was just 25, so it has been a remarkable reign for her. she's starting to show her age a bit now, but continues with her hectic schedules.
   She's had 12 prime ministers, some who weren't even born when she became Queen on the death of her father George VI in 1952.
   I won't get into the long history of her life and achievements here, that's what things like Google and Wiki are for. I will say I came very close to actually meeting her in 1973 when she paid a visit to Canada to help mark the 100th anniversary of the RCMP. I was part of the honour guard that greeted her in Calgary. Had I been one rank higher, I would've met her. I wasn't and therefore didn't, but I'm still a supporter of the Monarchy, and Her Majesty.
TTFN, and God Save the Queen!

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