Wednesday 9 September 2015

I've Been Given The All Clear

   About 6 weeks or so ago, I had a health scare. And while I'm not going to get into it on this forum, it was bad enough for me to go to the emergency department at our local hospital to get checked out. It also resulted in my going for tests that required me to return to hospital for a visit to the day surgery department.
   It also left me in limbo for more than 2 weeks waiting to hear the results.
   Yesterday, I got them, and I am fortunate. The results showed I do not have cancer, a possibility that had weighed on my mind ever since my visits. I was also told I'll need to go back for another screening in a few years. I have to admit that I feel very lucky indeed, since there is a history of cancer in my family, and have lost a few members to the disease. And I've also lost a few friends to cancer.
   And while I got the diagnosis I was hoping for, more than a few people get the dreaded news. To those fighting it, keep up the fight. And lets all keep working to try and make cancer extinct.


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