Thursday 30 April 2015

And So It Goes

   It's hard to believe, but we've come to the end of April, and the start of May. All in all, April wasn't too bad, weather wise. Yes, we had some snow, but generally it's been quite mild. Mild enough in fact for trees to start budding, and even some of my wife's crocuses have poked through the dirt.
   It's also looking like an early start to her garden this year. Normally, she doesn't plant until the Victoria Day weekend, but I'm suspecting she'll be early this year. As for the yard, well, we haven't started on that yet and the grass doesn't need cutting right now. In the next week or so, it will. Especially if we get some much needed rain to wash the remains of winter away.
   I'm also taking May 1st off, so I can travel to Calgary for a service for one of my oldest friends who died a week ago (see blog entry below). It's a 12 hundred mile, 20 hour round trip, and I'm gladly doing it. I'm sure he'd do the same for me.
   I'll be back Monday, but in the meantime:


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