Monday 20 April 2015

The Great "Sauce-Off"....UPDATE

   It's that time of year again. The annual Ducks Unlimited banquet is coming up next month. And with it, a bar-b-cue sauce competition. Last year, Tonya Cherry's "sweet hickory heat" beat my "garlic-ranch" effort, and represented GX94 in the competition against our sister station Fox FM and CTV, which CTV won.
   This year, I've got the unenviable task of trying to beat Danny Ismond, who won the inaugural competition a few years back. And, like we did last year, there's going to be an in-house sauce-off to determine which sauce will go on to the competition proper.
   I've got a couple of ideas on the burner, and I know Danny's going to come up with a killer sauce, so even though it's a friendly competition, I'm going to have to be on top of my game.
   There are a couple of changes to this year's event. Firstly, there's even more competition to worry about. Our local newspaper, Yorkton This Week, will also be submitting an entry. Secondly, the sauce entries will actually be put on meat (last year, it was just a simple tasting of a spoon).
   To determine who goes into the May event, Danny and myself will bring our sauces (and some cooked pork) in on Wednesday. Regardless of who wins, it will be a very tasty competition! I'll provide an update later this week.


***Update: In a very close vote, my entry by the narrowest of narrow margins was picked by 2 of 3 judges in a blind taste test, with the deciding judge picking my submission because of a little extra tang. Now, we'll take it to the Ducks Unlimited banquet May 8th.***

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