Friday 10 April 2015

Are You Getting One?

   Today's the day techno-geeks have been waiting for. The long-awaited Apple watch will be unveiled, and go on sale. But don't think you can head down to your local Apple store to pick one up off the shelf. Instead, the company is taking reservations for the new gadget, and will start shipping them out in 2 weeks.
   Among the functions (far too many to list here) the watch will keep accurate time. Which is handy. Prices will range from about 350 to 17 thousand bucks U.S, and , yes, they will be available in Canada as well.
   I will not be getting one, and the "why" is simple. When it comes to high tech stuff like this, I'm technically inept. I can use a computer, and I can even use my cell-phone. But, partly due to my service provider, not to it's full extent. I can text, take pictures, e-mail and make calls with my phone, but that's it. I'm way behind most of my colleagues when it comes to using them, and I'm the first to admit it.
   So, if I want to know what time it is, I'll do it the old fashioned way. By looking at my analog watch.


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