Friday 17 April 2015


   There are certain advantages about doing morning news here in Yorkton. That picture is one of them. That's what we saw out of some of our office windows this morning. Sunrise over the prairies is hard to beat when it comes to those 'picture-perfect' moments. I'm lucky in that no matter if it's June 21st or December 21st I get to check this view out daily.
   My days start before 0400 (4:00 A.M) local time, and wrap up at 12:00. That means not only do I get to see the sun rise, but I've got all afternoon to do things like cut the grass, shovel snow, go fishing, cook.
   But it isn't all roses, either. There are very many winter days when it's snowing, -35 or colder without the wind, and -40 or lower with it. Those are the times I start looking forward to days like this, and views like this.
   I'm doubly lucky in that I actually have a view. So many people are locked in their cubicles 9:00 to 5:00 and don't even have natural light, let alone a view. Especially one like this.
   Have a happy Friday, and a great weekend!


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