Monday 4 May 2015

That Was A Quick Weekend

   Of course, I spent a good part of that behind the wheel. In a 58 hour span, I was driving for almost 20 of them. Not a lot really when you think what truckers put in at the wheel on a daily basis. But when the longest trip I've taken in the past year was a 3 hour trek to Saskatoon, it was something.
   Of course, I went to Calgary to say goodbye to a long time friend (see the post "I lost a friend this weekend). It was a little awkward for me, since I didn't know anyone but his wife. Even his kids had grown in the years it had been since I last had a visit, and I didn't recognize his widow, either. In fact, the only way she knew who I was was the fact I'd been speaking with another friend of Mikes, and mentioned I'd known him since 1977.
  Still, I was glad to have been able to attend and chat with his family a bit. There were a lot of people there who knew him a lot better than I did, simply 'cause they'd worked with him for 20 years. But I was the last of the "old gang" that used to hang around together, swilling back coffee at Denny's or beer at some local establishment like the now torn-down Highlander Inn. The one common thread most of us shared with him was fishing. He loved it, and looked forward to it every weekend.
   So, yes. It was a quick weekend. The best part, for me, was the 2100 km drive was very uneventful.


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