Thursday 9 April 2015


   One of the most popular sites on the internet is going to let us skip those annoying ads we seem to get with just about every video we click on. YouTube is going to allow users to skip them. However, you will have to pay a monthly fee.
   It seems they've spoken with their most popular content creators, asking them to sign off on a new contract allowing for the change. There's been no word yet on when viewers will see the change, or just how much a month we'll pay to be allowed to skip them.
   Most of the video's I watch do have ad's, but after 15 seconds you've got the option of skipping them, which I do to every single one. However, there are plenty of others where you don't have the "skip" option, and are forced to watch the entire 30 or 60 second thing. What I do when that happens is simply turn off the sound and scroll down until just the count-down clock is visible, then start watching whatever it was again.
   Will I take advantage of this new feature? It depends, mostly on exactly how much it's going to cost. I don't overly mind waiting the 15 seconds it takes until I can "skip", but it'd sure be nice not to have to put up with the ads to begin with.
   And there are a few questions that need to be answered along with cost. Will they be running ads before videos to let us know the service is there and available? And what happens if the vast majority of users opt out? What impact could/would that have on providers who rely on revenue generated through YouTube?
   Time will tell.


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