Thursday 2 April 2015

This Is Commitment

   Because of where we live, and the relatively short season, it's not unusual to see bikers out on the road this time of year. Lets face it. These things aren't cheap to buy, and insuring them is also a high cost. So it's no wonder riders want to get out as often as possible. But this morning on the way to work, I saw one that took his passion to the next level.
   I decided to stop at one of the Tim's outlets for a couple of chocolate chip muffins to kick-start my day. And as I was pulling in to the parking lot (I like to get out of the car) I saw in the drive-thru a guy on his motorcycle. Nothing unusual about that in the spring, summer and early fall. Not even at 0400 when I head off to work.
   What was a little unusual was the weather. It was snowing, not heavily, but snowing just the same. It had to be about -4 C, which would have meant riding would be uncomfortable at best. But topping it off was the north wind, which drove windchills down to at least -12 C.
   I don't think I want to know how cold the guy got driving at 50 km/h in that, even though he was wearing a thick looking jacket. I hope he thaws out quick, and we get better riding weather soon.
   Have a happy Easter all!


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