Friday 30 January 2015

January's Over

   As hard as it is to believe, January ends tomorrow, Saturday the 31st. And for some strange reason, it seems to have zipped past pretty quickly. Usually, at least to me, the month seems to drag on, sliding by as slowly as molasses in, well, January.
   But not this year. This year, the month seems to have flown by, and I think it may have something to do with the much milder than normal weather we've had recently. Temperatures have been well above normal, and in fact above freezing at times. That's made the month a lot easier to take. Just go back 12 months to January 2014, when we were all shivering in the deep freeze with polar vortex after polar vortex.
   February, the shortest month of the year, starts Sunday. Not only is groundhog day this Monday, but we're also in for 2 months with a Friday the 13th. February and March. Of course, the best thing about turning over that page on our calendar is simply the fact we're getting closer to the warm-weather months.


Thursday 29 January 2015

This Is Encouraging

   I've made no secret over the past few posts that I'm on a bit of a health kick. No more sugary snacks or sodas, I'm trying to eat better, and I'm hoping to get to the walking track in the city soon.
   I even bought a new scale to measure my progress as I'm hoping to cut at least 20 pounds from my more than ample frame.
   Imagine my surprise then when I hopped onto the shiny, new scales and looked at the read-out to find I'm 17 pounds UNDER what I'd estimated my weight to be!
   I guess that means there's just 3 more pound to go until I hit my goal. That will just leave another 20 at least to go.


Tuesday 27 January 2015

So Far, So Good

   It was Day 1 of my new regimen yesterday. No snacks, no sticky, sugary sodas. And it went fine. In fact, even though I did get some low-cal, low-fat, no-sugar, low-sodium snacks to munch on, I didn't bother. I just didn't feel the need. Not that I didn't imbibe in one personal favourite: Iced Tea from a well known soft-drink maker. I'm not giving that up, even though I have forgone the 2 cans of root beer that usually followed it.
   Now, I've got to get off my duff and get moving if I hope to actually lose some of the weight I've accumulated over years of snacks, soft drinks and inactivity. Changing eating habits alone will help, yes, but it ain't the be-all and end-all either.
   I have set no goals for myself. When not met, goals lead to disappointment, disappointment leads to failure, failure leads right back to bad eating habits, and bad eating habits will put me right back to square one. Something I do not need.
   I also realize I'm never EVER going to get back to my "fighting" weight, but if I can even drop 25, 30 maybe even 40 pounds I'll consider it "mission accomplished". If that "mission" ever is. Old, bad habits die hard, and I know I'm going to have to watch myself closely so I don't "fall off" the diet wagon.


Monday 26 January 2015

Time For A Change

   I admit it. I love snack foods. In fact, I love them a little too much! I also happen to have a very sedentary lifestyle that sees me sitting at a computer at work for 8 hours, followed by sitting at a computer at home for another 6 to 8.
   It's that last session where the snacks come in. My particular favorite poisons are M and M peanut, and Bit's 'N Bites. Washed down with root beer. And not the diet variety, either. The snacks are now history. I've been putting (more than) a few pounds on since I got to Yorkton more than a year ago. This may sound like an excuse, but I blame part of it on the shift I work, getting into the office about 4:00 A.M, and leaving just after noon.
   A lot of people would say "gee! That's great! You've got the whole afternoon off". And it's true. It IS great. I do have afternoons off. But I haven't exactly been utilizing them well, since I get home, have a usually unhealthy lunch, then plonk down in front of the keyboard once again.
   In a past post, I mused about getting a treadmill or something to get moving. That idea did not pass Finance. At least, not yet. So, I'm going to contact the centre in town that has an indoor walking track to get off my duff and get moving. It's not like I don't have time! And when the snow and ice finally do leave, both of us will be trying to get out for a stroll, rather than sitting down watching the idiot box.
   Will I succeed? I don't know. Will I at least try? Yes. And I'll try and keep you posted on how things are going, good or bad.


Friday 23 January 2015

That's Some Get-Up

   That's Canada's representative at the Miss Universe pageant, Chanel Beckenlehner, and yes, she is wearing a hockey scoreboard, mini Stanley Cup and a bunch of hockey sticks. And apparently, the scoreboard even works.
   When I first saw this, my reaction was "Really? Is this a joke?" It's not. Nor is it Chanel's first choice for a costume, either. Apparently, she went through 30 different concepts before coming up with this. It's certainly caused quite a buzz at the competition!
   And once I got over my first reaction, I started wondering of players on both the Maple Leafs and Oilers should take a page from Chanel's book and strap 10 sticks to their backs, along with the goalie stick and pads. maybe they'd actually start winning a few games!


Wednesday 21 January 2015

Which To Choose?

   It's a tough decision to make. Do I go for an elliptical or treadmill? I've known for quite a while now that I need to get into shape. Or at least some other shape than what I'm in now. I'm to the point where I look either like a pear, a pepper pot, or one of those Russian dolls. And I don't want to look like either anymore.
   I've done a little research, and even asked through Facebook which is better. The responses were just about 50-50, so I guess it's a matter of personal taste.
   The elliptical: These machines are supposedly easier on joints, and since both my knees are bad, this would be a big plus when it comes to jarring. However, my back is also shot, and I'm wondering if the rocking motion, plus the arm movements, wouldn't aggravate that.
   The treadmill: Walking. That's what I'm looking for to start. I've got to face the fact I'll never be in a marathon, and since I have no plans on running, the jarring on the joints would be a lot less. However, these things are a little noisy. But that's off-set by he fact that I'd be using it before my wife gets home from work. (That's a benefit of getting to the office by 4:15 a.m and being finished by 12:15 p.m.)
   Cost: I've priced both out, and there's less than 100 dollars difference between either machine. And since space to put it isn't a problem, either would work.
   Personally, I'm leaning more toward the treadmill, if for no other reason than it's got more space to hang plants and clothes after I suddenly stop using it.


Monday 19 January 2015

A Tragic Weekend In Alberta

   You'll probably know by now that 2 RCMP members were shot in St. Albert, Alberta (just outside Edmonton) this past weekend. And while one has since been released from hospital, the other is likely not going to survive, after being shot in the head.
   The suspect in the case was later found dead at a home near the casino where it all took place.
   In light of this tragic event, I'm going to share something that's been making the rounds on facebook. I think is speaks quite eloquently:

Thursday 15 January 2015

Off Target

   U.S retail giant Target is pulling the trigger on all their 133 Canadian stores after sluggish sales in the 2 years they've been open. Industry insiders say the move is not a surprise, given the fact Canadians didn't seem to react positively to Target's move here.
   A lot of people I've spoken with say the biggest part of the problem is pricing. Goods in Canada still cost more than the same item in American stores just across the border. Another problem it seems, is Canadians never really "took" to Target, even though anticipation was great when they bought out Zellers.
   So, what happens now? Target stores will remain open during a court-supervised liquidation period. They are also working to ensure 17,600 now surplus employees get at least 16 weeks severance, and work with an advisor to sell off it's real estate. The exit could cost the Minneapolis based firm 500 to 600 million dollars.
   One question now is what are malls where Target stores are located going to do? In a lot of them, Target was a main anchor, replacing Zellers. Their departure is going to leave a considerable hole not only physically, but financially as well. Just how long the exit strategy will run was not said.
   I've never shopped south of the border, and visited just one of the Canadian stores once. I hate to say it, but I was less than impressed with what I saw, both in terms of merchandise and customer service. Perhaps Target didn't do enough research into the Canadian market, studying buying trends here.
   I do feel sorry for the 17, 600 sales associates being affected by this, and hope they can all find new employment.


Wednesday 14 January 2015

The Rising Cost Of Stuff

   I just got my latest bank statement on one of my accounts. And lo and behold, they're increasing thresholds and fees! Balances to waive transaction fees are going up 500 bucks, additional transaction fees up .25 cents, NSF fees up 3 bucks and a borderless all-inclusive plan that was free will now cost $1.95. My bank made over 8 BILLION dollars in net income in fiscal 2014. I know banks are businesses, and businesses can't survive without making a profit, but d'you REALLY need the extra money?!? Does anyone else feel they're being gouged?
   And for the record, my bank only pays 2 to 2.5% interest on my deposits.
   And bank fees are not the only things on the rise, either.
   Coke, and main rival Pepsi, are both pushing so-called mini-sodas. These are smaller cans and bottles that contain fewer calories than the regular size. And while that may help you lose weight, your wasitline won't be the only thing slimming down. Your wallet will be as well. Why? Because the mini-drinks cost more than twice as much per ounce than the larger ones. It means even though soda sales aren't as bubbly as they were, profits are still nice and fizzy for the makers
   I'll stick with coffee. Or water.


Tuesday 13 January 2015

This Is Overdue

   I should have mentioned this last week. I didn't, mainly because the situation was still evolving. Last week, as we know, terrorists attacked the Paris office of the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo, and a kosher market near the heart of the City of Lights. When all was said and done, 17 people had been killed. 3 suspects were also gunned down by police, while a 4th is still at large.
   Why? On the surface, it's over the paper's satirical portrayal of the Prophet Muhammad. The Islamic faith forbids such portrayals, satirical or not. At least that's what the gunmen claimed at the time.
   The reaction to the events of last week was simple: Shock and outrage. Even the vast majority of Muslims have condemned the attack, saying such acts are not part of their religious beliefs. In fact, cartoons in many Muslim or Islamic papers targeted not the dead at Charlie Hebdo, but terrorism.
   There was a memorial march in Paris and many other cities around the world, with people holding up signs saying "Je suis Charlie", or I am Charlie.
   As a member of the mass media myself, I was just as shocked as most of us when the attack happened last week. I've spent 35 years in radio, more than 33 of those in newsrooms, and, like so many, my thought was the attack targeted free speech, just as much as the people in that Paris office were targeted by the attackers.
   This week, Charlie Hebdo will publish 3 million copies of their paper. And they will again lampoon the Prophet. I'm hoping this time there will be no revenge attack in response.


Friday 9 January 2015

Happy Birthday Jimmy!

   He's one of the legendary rock guitarists of all time, and in my mind, the best ever. James Patrick Page is 71 years old today. A session musician in the early '60's, he joined one of the foremost groups in Britain at the time, the Yardbirds, after another legendary guitar player, Jeff Beck, quit.
   When the Yardbids folded in the late '60's, Page teamed up with John Paul Jones (a session bass player and multi-instrumentalist), a very young singer Robert Plant and legendary rock drummer John Bonham. Originally dubbed the New Yardbirds to fulfill contractual obligations, they became Led Zeppelin, and the rest is history.
   Happy Birthday Jimmy!


Thursday 8 January 2015

Happy Birthday, Elvis

   Today, January 8, 2015, would have been Elvis Aaron Presley's 80th birthday. He was born in Tupelo, Mississippi, and his influence in early Rock 'n Roll was massive. Some have gone as far as saying if it'd hadn't been for Elvis, rock as we now know it would not exist.
   I don't know about that, but he did have a massive impact on the industry as a whole.
   Happy Birthday to the "King" of Rock 'n Roll!


Wednesday 7 January 2015

Another Brutally Cold Day

   Bundling up to go outside today is not an option. Yet again, an extreme cold warning is out for the Saskatchewan side of the listening area, with values hitting -41 and lower in some areas.
   And it gets better.
   There's snow in the forecast tonight, and while it will warm up (to -14), gusty winds will blow it around, causing drifting and reduced visibility in many areas. Then, back to the deep freeze yet again.
   Yeah, I know, it's January on the prairies, and we can expect this kind of weather. But even people I know who enjoy winter are getting a little tired of the bitter cold, since it's keeping them from activities like snowmobiling and ice-fishing.
   At least no one has used the phrase "Polar Vortex" yet. After it was over-used last year, I think I'd snap if I hear it one more time.
   I'll admit it right now, I miss hating the summer heat. And since a warm-weather vacation isn't in the books, I'll just have to dream about a tropical paradise

Monday 5 January 2015

Here's Hoping You Had A Good Holiday Season

   It was a long break this year for Christmas and New Year, but finally it's over. That means kids will be going back to school, and offices get back to normal operations. The lengthy break was down to the days Christmas, Boxing and New Years Day fell. 2 Thursday's and a Friday. A lot of business (the non-retail ones), and especially government ones in quite a few cases gave their employees the extra day January 2nd, to go along with New Years. Top that off with the fact that an awful lot of non-retail businesses closed their doors early both December 24th and 31st, and a lot of people got a long break.
   But now, it's back to reality, and in my part of Saskatchewan, it's a very cold return indeed. Extreme cold warnings were in effect here, with windchills down to -40 at times. And the forecast calls for more bitter temperatures and windchills at least through tomorrow.
   If you were one of the lucky ones getting the extra long break, I hope it was enjoyable!


Friday 2 January 2015

What The Heck Is Going On In Alberta?

   10 people are dead in 2 separate incidents this week. 9 of them in Edmonton, the other in Calgary, the city I grew up in. In Edmonton, the murders of 8 people and apparent suicide of one more seems to be an extreme case of domestic violence Monday. It was that city's worst mass murder in history, and spanned 3 different locations.
   Edmonton police say the weapon they say was used had been stolen from a location in B.C
   The New Years morning shooting in Calgary left 1 dead and 6 others injured in a quiet neighbourhood where my wife grew up. In fact, it was less than 3 blocks on the very same street in Killarney.
   Police in both cities say these were isolated incidents, and continue investigating. But both crimes come as a shock since, even though both cities are at or over 1 million population, violent crime is a mostly rare occurrence in both.


Thursday 1 January 2015

Start A New Calendar

   I hope you all had a safe New Years Eve as you rang in 2015. I know I did. As is tradition in our house, we were sound asleep long before the clock struck midnight last night. In fact, I can only recall 2 or 3 times my wife and I actually stayed up to ring in a new year. Usually, because one (and sometimes both) of us has to work New Years Day.
   This year, it's me. January 1, 2015 started almost exactly the same as December 31st, 2014 did. Up about 3:45 a.m, morning ablutions, out the door and in the office by 4:15. For that matter, when I was working in Regina, I would always be in New Years Day. For me, it was easier than owing a staff member an extra day off "down the road". Plus, as mentioned, we don't stay up much after 9:00.
   Whatever 2015 brings, I'd like to think I'm ready for it.
   I'd also like to wish you all the best for the year ahead!