Monday 14 July 2014

Still Getting Spam

   Despite the fact that the federal government brought in new anti-spam laws (see my blog of July 2), my in-box at work is still being inundated with unwanted emails from groups/individuals I have never signed up for. Things like the examples below:

You probably think that it's too late to shed your winter-LB's you gained before you bust out your bikini, tank tops, and hit the beach. THAT'S ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE.
No need to fear, you can rid 1LB-a-day with "The Doctors" method that worked for Oprah and everyone else who has tried.
Oprah's Top Tip Of 2014 (now Posted)
It Involves----
--NO going to a grimy gym
--NO Starvation or food restrictions

Lasik Special -

Sick of waking up and looking for your glasses?

Want to be able to see clear as soon as you open you eyes?

Thats what I wanted, and heres how i got it ....

299 per eye in July -
Complimentary Evaluation

I went in tired of wearing glasses for 20 years, And walked out with 20/20 Vision.

   So, 2 weeks after the feds announced the crack-down, I'm still getting this stuff. It's almost as ineffective as their much vaunted "do not call" list for telemarketers of years ago. And in a lot of these circumstances even when you try and hit the "unsubscribe" link, it won't let you do it.
   And if that's not bad enough, when I mark some emails as junk, they keep popping up in my in-box.
   C'mon Ottawa! Lets get tough on these spammers.


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