Thursday 17 July 2014

More Memories

   O-kay, I'll admit it. I'm not the most organized person. Especially when it comes to my home office. My idea of filing is just to simply A): Put it on my computer desk, B): Put it somewhere on my bookshelf or C): Shove it in a closet, and shut the door. My wife had been asking several times for me to clear away the clutter, and I finally did.
   And that's when I found the album above. I knew I hadn't thrown it out, but stashed it somewhere, only to have it turn up years ago in Regina, and again when we moved to Yorkton
   For those who don't know who he is, Reggie "Sweet Daddy" Siki was, in fact, a professional wrestler way back in the day when there were several territories, and not just one or 2 huge conglomerates like the WWE, WCW or ECW.
   I remember watching Siki wrestle in the old Stampede Wrestling shows growing up in Calgary. Stampede Wrestling was run by Stu Hart, who is the father of former WWE superstar Bret "The Hitman" Hart, and the late Owen Hart. I'm not sure what the actual size of Stampede Wrestling's territory was, but I know it was headquartered in Calgary, and went into B.C and parts of Manitoba along with Alberta.
   And, being a fan at the time, when I saw this album in the store, I grabbed it. And you know what? Siki could sing! Sure, it's country, and they're all cover songs, some of Hank Williams, but he could belt them out quite well.
   Flash forward some 30 years to my stint in Thunder Bay, Ontario. It was the mid '90's, and one of the stations had a half hour long public affairs type program which we were all required to contribute to. One day, I managed to track Sweet Daddy down in Toronto, and got a 5 minute feature. He was still singing, but had switched to the blues and rock by then.
   Now 74, Siki was running a karaoke bar in T.O. But I'll always remember him from Stampede Wrestling when I was a kid.
   And by the way, I've started keeping my home office a little more organized.


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