Monday 28 July 2014

It's Been A Bad Year For Them

   Mosquitoes are everywhere this year, and it's all thanks to the rain we've been having. Clouds of the little blood-suckers rise up and attack just about every time you set foot outdoors, and it seems not much keeps them at bay.
   Just this past week, I went out to cut the grass and was met by a cloud of the pests. I was wearing one of those mosquito repellant devices, but still they got through. I ended up having to go to the store and grab some "Deep Woods" formula stuff, which finally worked.
   I'm not one prone to being bitten by them, normally. But this year has been abnormal, and I've had countless bites. And summer isn't over yet!
   The other thing the water, and mosquito hatch, has brought out is dragonflies:
   They eat mosquito larvae and mosquitoes as well. And there are tonnes of them out there too! i just wish they'd do a bit better job munching and crunching their way through the clouds of 'skitters.
   In the meantime, I've stocked up on bug spray, repellant, citronella candles etc, just to try and enjoy the outdoors.


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