Monday 23 June 2014

I Think I'll Stay With Sugar

   Apparently, it's all the rage. Putting a pat of butter in your morning cup of coffee. Unsalted, preferably. The only question I have is: Why? Why ruin a perfectly good cup of java by putting butter in it? It was morning man Danny Ismond who brought this to my attention, and I had to Google it myself to find out what it's all about.
   And it seems the idea of adding butter to coffee is far from new. They've been adding butter to tea in Tibet for years, and (apparently) in Singapore they actually stir-fry low grade coffee beans in butter before brewing. Whether or not that's still done, I don't know.
   I've had some not so strange things in coffee. Unrefined sugar, honey, even things like cinnamon. But I don't think I'll be trying butter in it. At least not for a while. Meantime, black. With 2 sugars, please.


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