Sunday 29 June 2014

I Made The Switch

   I did indeed. For years (when I haven't had a full beard), I've been using cartridge razors, but I'm prone to razor burn and bumps. After doing some research, I decided to purchase an Olde Fashioned safety razor. Something like my Dad used when I was growing up.
   He never passed the skill on to me, because when I started shaving, he'd gone to an electric. So, I went on line and bought the above razor. It's an Edwin Jagger DE89Lbl, and with 50 razor blades, it ran me about 60 bucks. For that 60 dollars, I've got a razor I can use for years, and a years worth of shaves, if I change blades every week.
   As mentioned, I have never used one before, but I have to say I got a nice clean shave. Apart from a nick or 2:

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