Friday 13 June 2014

Do You Suffer Triskaidekaphobia?

   If so, then today is not your day. Triskaidekaphobia is fear of the number 13. As in Friday the 13th. As in today. The proper Greek term is paraskevidekatriaphobia. And while there are a good number of people who suffer from it, most of us don't.
   If you want the 4-1-1 on how it started, do the Wiki on it. It'll save you a lot of time, and me from explaining it here. Probably wrongly, by the way.
   And to top things off, there was also a full moon last night, something that hasn't happened for more than 100 years. And won't happen again for a long time on a Friday the 13th in June.
   Sure, there are superstitions out there that seem to get reinforced on Friday the 13th. You know the sort of thing. Breaking a mirror. Walking under a ladder. Having a black cat cross your path. Those sorts of things.
   I guess I'm lucky, in that I don't hold with superstitions. And it's just as well. Leaving for work this morning, I dropped and broke the mirror I was holding when a black cat crossed my path just as I was walking under a ladder!
   Happy Friday the 13th!


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