Monday 9 June 2014

Has It Really Been 20 Years?

   Unbelievably, it really has. It was June 12, 1994 Nicole Brown and her friend Ronald Goldman were stabbed to death outside her condo. I remember being glued to my TV watching the slow speed chase through parts of L.A as police were trying to apprehend O.J Simpson, the prime suspect in the case. It was the Friday after the killings, and I sat there, watching the whole thing unfold. I must've been up until 11:00 p.m that night, which was not as good thing, because I had to be in for work at 4:30 the next morning.
   Then, there was the trial, and the famous (or infamous) Johnnie Cochrane "if the gloves don't fit, you must acquit" remark about the blood soaked gloves prosecutors say Simpson wore during the killings. The gloves didn't fit, and he was later found not guilty at his murder trial, but was found guilty of wrongful death in a civil trial a few years later.
   Now 66, the Heisman Trophy winner is in jail after an armed robbery in Las Vegas.
   Still, it seems like yesterday, not 20 years ago.


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