Monday 12 May 2014

What A Night It Was

   Friday night was the Ducks Unlimited spring banquet in Yorkton, and what a night it was! Great food, great prizes and a great group of people to share it with. The only flies in the ointment were the fact that GX94's "smokey sweet hickory heat" bar-be-que sauce didn't win the "sauce off" between us, our sister station The Fox, and CTV (who did win).
   The other fly was our table was shut out of the prize draws. Oh, well. We'll be back next year. I believe I mentioned this in a previous entry, but Tonya Cherry and I had an in-house sauce off to see who's entry would represent our station. A competition Tonya won. (And her sauce really is good!) She'll be posting the recipe on her blog (which you can get to through our website ( Follow the "on air" link to "announcers") and there it is.
   She also asked me to post my sauce on our facebook page, which I did.
   I'm also including it here for anyone who wants to try it out.

Craig's "Garlic Ranch" B-B-Q sauce:

I started with a bottle of Bullseye Bold Original sauce. I then added 4 packed tablespoons of brown sugar, 2 packets of Ranch dipping/dressing mix (the powdered kind). Add 1 1/2 teaspoons of garlic powder and an ounce of water. Simmer for about 15 minutes to dissolve the sugar and re-bottle. I found this worked great on chicken, pork chops and ribs.

   And to CTV..congratulations on your win this year. But be forewarned: I've already started mulling things over for next year's competition.


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