Thursday 29 May 2014

Do We Really Need The Sequel?

   The SyFy network is indeed coming out with a sequel to "Sharknado", the made for T.V B-grade horror film about sharks being lifted by a waterspouts and dumped on L.A, flooding it with shark infested seawater.
   "Sharknado 2" will, apparently, take the same premise to New York City, wreaking havoc on iconic landmarks. They don't say which ones. And don't think this is going to be a cheesy one-nighter. On, no. SyFy is doing a whole "Sharknado week". It'll include movies like `Sharktopus versus Pteracuda,'' ''Mega Shark versus Mecha Shark`` and ''Sharkmania: The Top 15 Biggest Baddest Bloodiest Bites.`' The week wraps up July 30thwith "Sharknado 2: The Second One".
   I didn't watch the first one, and I'm pretty sure The Second One will also get a miss. And maybe I shouldn't be posting this, but here's an idea for "Sharknado 3: The Wrath Of Kong". A giant killer shark battles King Kong for control of the Empire State Building.


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