Tuesday 13 May 2014

Supper In The Field

   It's back, and I can't wait! Once again our radio station is running the very popular "supper in the field" program, where we take a catered meal to a farmers field while they start spring seeding. The program runs for 6 weeks, and producers in our listening area can call in to register, with the draw made the day of the event, which is always Wednesday.
   I had the opportunity of attending all 6 of the fall "suppers in the field", and without exception they, and the people I met, were wonderful. I even got to fulfill an ambition to drive a combine, and take a few swaths of Canola off a field in Manitoba at the last supper of the fall in October:
    It was an off-hand comment made to morning announced Danny Ismond that got "Craig in a Combine" last fall, and I've already put the plea out to any producer wanting to trust me to have me pilot a seeder or other implement during planting.
   I hope to be able to make all 6 of the spring suppers, and I will be back again in the fall, hopefully to drive a combine once again.
   The first spring "supper in the field" is tomorrow.


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