Monday 5 May 2014

Happy Cinco De Mayo. Also Known As Tax Deadline Day

   It is tax deadline day in Canada, and you have until midnight tonight to file your 2013 income taxes. Normally, April 30th is the deadline, but due to the "heartbleed" computer bug last month, we all got a reprieve.
   Canada Revenue Agency computers were among those affected, and they were down for 5 days, meaning no one could file electronically. That's why we got the extension. It also means that if you miss tonight's deadline and owe Ottawa money, you'll face a late penalty.
   If you're getting a refund, you've probably already filed your return as soon as possible. And if you don't owe the feds, or the feds don't owe you, no problem if you're a little late. But it's always a good idea to get them done ASAP.
   I go to a tax preparer. it's a lot easier and simpler than trying to do it myself, even with a tax program for the computer. It also saves an awful lot of cussing and swearing.
   And by the way: Happy 5th!


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