Friday 30 May 2014

Did It Ever Pour Last Night

   It was just about the supper hour when they sky opened up, and the rain came down. By the time it was over, anywhere up to an inch or more had fallen in less than half an hour. It turned streets into rivers, and parking lots into lakes in Yorkton.
    Not far away in Melville, a gusty wind blew down trees and even partially toppled the scoreboard at Pirie Field, which is the home of the Western Major Baseball League's Melville Millionaires. It also scrubbed their season opener against Swift Current, along with several other ball games.
   This is just one of the trees uprooted by the storm in Melville:

   One of the people I work with lives in Duff, and says water was seeping up through his foundation. Not the walls, the actual foundation itself, poor guy.
   If that wasn't enough, just to the east of us in Manitoba, there were people taking to social media with pictures of hail stones the size of eggs. I just hope it didn't wash away too many crops that had just been seeded.
   We got off lucky where we live. We're up on a hill, meaning the majority of all that rain simply flowed away.
   I'll be making a few calls this morning to find out just how much damage was actually done. at least we didn't get a tornado from it all.


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