Tuesday 6 May 2014

What Goals Do You Have?

   Had an interesting chat with Tonya Cherry this morning just before we went on the air for our "live" chat. And for some reason or other, we started talking about goals. Career goals specifically. I really can't remember how it all started, but it did evolve into what I've accomplished in my 35 years in radio. And I hope I didn't bore her too badly.
   Somehow we got to talking about the fact I used to host a call-in show when I was in Regina, and she asked if it was exciting to do that. Of course, it was. But it was also an awful lot of work. Then, it somehow twisted into what major goal I've never accomplished. That was easy to answer. I've never had the opportunity (yet) to interview a sitting Prime Minister of Canada.
   I have talked with 2 men who would become P.M way back in either late 1989 or the early '90's when Paul Martin and Jean Chretien were on the stump for federal Liberal leader. I've also had the chance to speak with former federal finance minister, Ralph Goodale more than once. And on the call-in show.
   That had me casting my mind back on the career goals I set way, way back. And I'm lucky, in that I've attained the majority of them. One was to host a talk show. Done. One was to work in a major market. Done. One was to be a news director. Done. One was to have the opportunity to read morning news. Still doing.
   Looking even further back, I've done feature interviews on the Calgary Olympics, with a researcher who had just returned from a deep sea visit to the Titanic's wreck in the Atlantic (via satellite phone while he was on a research ship), and even with officials in the town of Vulcan, Alberta as they were trying to get established as a "Star Trek" themed location.
   But for me, the highlight was in August 1993 when I had media accreditation to attend a symposium on the JFK assassination 30 years earlier. Because of that, I got to interview people who were in Dealey Plaza that fateful November day and saw the assassination firsthand. I also got the chance to ask 2 questions of Marina Oswald-Porter, the widow of the man who allegedly killed Kennedy, Lee Harvey Oswald.
   I guess the upshot of this long-winded blog entry is simple: Set Goals. You may not achieve most, or all of them, but set them anyway. It's amazing when you look back just how many you actually do reach.
   And Tonya: Sorry if I got a little boring this morning.


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