Thursday 22 May 2014

New Digs

   That's what the new multi-purpose facility and home for the Saskatchewan Roughriders will look like when construction is completed in 2017. The official plan was unveiled today on the 33 thousand seat, 278 million dollar replacement for Mosaic Stadium.
   Judging from what I've seen, it's going to be a beaut! Seating can be expanded to 40 thousand, and the entire field will be in a sunken bowl design, making the fan's experience better.
   The only problem I see is the fact it's not entirely covered. I'm not usually one to vent his opinion on news events and stories, but this is one exception to my self made (and usually enforced) rule.
   I get the fact that part of the whole experience of seeing a football game is being in the elements. But when you look at last winter and the elements we had, it makes more sense to have a roof, even a retractable one, in place. Another point on that is having the stadium available 12 months of the year for things like concerts, trade shows etc. As it stands now the current Mosaic Stadium, and quite likely the future one, since Mosaic has inked a 20 year naming extension, is a snow dump for 5 or more months out of the year.
   A last point on the roof is this: Cost. Yes, it could have added 100 or more million to the cost to do it now. But 5, 10 or more years from now that will skyrocket, making a cover for it too costly.
   Still, I can't wait to see the finished product in 2017!


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